Question: i have the following R code (below): It didn't work with "x" = "ARIMA" and "ETS" from "my.list". That's the problem: "fabletools::model(arima_auto = fable::ARIMA(Trips))" = it works, but this: "fabletools::model(arima_auto = fable::x(Trips))" didn't work. Does anyone know the solution to my problem. Is it even possible in R?
tourism <- tsibble::tourism
my.list <- list("ARIMA","ETS")
my.list[[1]] ## "ARIMA"
my.list[[2]] ## "ETS"
f_test <- function(.df1,.n){
x <- .df1[[.n]][[1]] ### 1) "ARIMA", "ETS"
fit <- tourism %>%
dplyr::filter(Region == "Adelaide") %>%
#fabletools::model(arima_auto = fable::ARIMA(Trips)) ### it works
fabletools::model(arima_auto = fable::x(Trips)) ### didn't work
assign("fit", fit, envir= globalenv())
purrr::map(.x = seq(my.list), .f = ~(f_test(my.list, Counter <- .x)))
When you're calling x(Trips)
, your x is the character vector "ARIMA"
. R has no idea what [character vector](Trips)
means. It would be like trying to call "Alice"(y)
and expecting R to treat "Alice"
as a function, even though it clearly is not one.
What you want is a way for R to swap the string "ARIMA"
for its corresponding function. This is what
is for. Try this instead:
fabletools::model(arima_auto = working(Trips))
Note that we didn't need to use any namespaces for this, unlike your original approach. Good practice would be to find a way to do so, e.g. working<-get(x,envir = environment(fable))
, but we didn't need it here.