hello I will ask this question again because I still can’t find a answer I try to create a form similar to google form with react and redux
each question is represented by: QuestionCard contains a title and can have several types (short question, long question, choice ,multiple, single choice ...) I manage to add cardQuestion and delete them
my problem is that when I select single choice I want to give the user the possibility to add the number of choices he wants but it does not work
this is my reducer
const initialState = {
formId: '',
form: {
title: '',
description: ''
basicForm: {
fullName: '',
age: '',
saved: false
cardQuestion: [{
title: '',
choix: [],
type: '',
error: "",
loading: false,
const addRequestReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'SET_STATE':
return { ...state, ...action.payload }
return state
i use a global state
and this how i try to add choices
1- i handle change of inputs (each choice) like this :
const { cardQuestion } = useSelector((state) => state.addRequest)
const choice = cardQuestion.map(e => e.choix)
const onChangeInput = (i, key, value) => {
type: 'SET_STATE',
payload: {
cardQuestion: cardQuestion.map((elem, index) => {
console.log(i === index)
if (i !== index) return elem
return { ...elem, [`${key}`]: value }
2- use the ChangeInptut like this
<div >{choice.map((elem, i) => <div key={i}>
<Input value={elem.choix} onChange={(e) => onChangeInput(i, 'choix', e.target.value)} />
3- button to add new input (choice)
<Button onClick={() => dispatch({
type: 'SET_STATE',
payload: {
cardQuestion: [...cardQuestion, { choix: '' }]
})} >Add</Button>
but it give me results like this :
and when i add a choice in question card1 it is also added in questioncard2
how can i resolve this , any help will be appreciated
cardQuestion: [...cardQuestion, { choix: '' }]
adds a new card without a title or type to the list of cards. If I understand you correctly, you want to add a new choice to an existing card, which will look something like
const newCards = [...cardQuestion]
newCards[currentCardPosition] = {...newCards[currentCardPosition]}
newCards[currentCardPosition].choix = [...newCards[currentCardPosition].choix, '' ]
but I don't see where currentCardPosition
will come from