I was working on my research and currently stuck on this. I can't get the confidence level AT ALL. I've tried many commands, such as:
outputRejectLevels = "levelWeights"
outputRejectLevels = "objects"
outputRejectLevels = "rejectLevels"
outputRejectLevels = True
outputRejectLevels = "true"
but I always get
TypeError: 'outputRejectLevels' is an invalid keyword argument for this function`
I have no idea how to do it
As said by @Sax Ted:
This can be fixed using detectMultiScale3() as following:
detection_result, rejectLevels, levelWeights =cascade.detectMultiScale3(img, scaleFactor=1.0485258, minNeighbors=6,outputRejectLevels = 1)
For more details related to detectmultiScale(), you can Visit here.