I have a bind9 server running for requests for i.example.com
. When I do a request from the nameserver to its own public IP like this nslookup ns1.i.example.com xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
I get the expected answer:
Server: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx#53
Name: ns1.i.example.com
Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
If I do the request from an office computer I do not get any answer:
C:\Users\user>nslookup ns1.i.example.com xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
Server: UnKnown
Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
*** Request to UnKnown timed-out
Nmap shows me that port 53 is accessible from the office computer:
53/udp open|filtered domain
In my bind9 options I am also listening on my public IP address:
dnssec-validation auto;
listen-on-v6 { any; };
listen-on port 53 {; xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; };
allow-query {
allow-recursion { any; };
Also, I do not have any iptables rules set up.
Any ideas how to fix this?
My VPS provider IONOS has its extra firewall besides my iptables rules. Opnening port 53 in the administration panel did solve the problem.