I am trying to plot a path diagram of a Structural Equation Model(SEM) in R. I was able to plot it using semPlot::semPaths()
. The output is similar to The SEM was modeled using lavaan
I want a plot similar to . with estimates and p values. Can anyone help me out?
My suggestion would be lavaanPlot
(see more of it in the author's personal website):
# path model
model <- 'mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp
qsec ~ disp + hp + wt'
fit1 <- sem(model, data = mtcars)
labels1 <- list(mpg = "Miles Per Gallon", cyl = "Cylinders", disp = "Displacement", hp = "Horsepower", qsec = "Speed", wt = "Weight") #define labels
lavaanPlot(model = fit1, labels = labels1, coefs = TRUE, stand = TRUE, sig = 0.05) #standardized regression paths, showing only paths with p<= .05