
How to add a integrity check on mySQL Workbench

I'm new to mySQL and I'd like to add a integrity check (or constraint? Sorry I'm italian) in my database. Let me explain: I have two tables

Workshop (location, numPlaces, numOperations)
Operation (idoperation, workLocation, ...)

numPlaces represents the maximum number of operations the workshop can afford. I created a trigger that everytime I insert a new record in Operation, the numOperations of Workshop referred to that specific location is increased by 1.

Now what I'd like to do is: when numOperations = numPlaces, if I try to insert a new record to Operation, the system must tell me that I can't. Basically, it can't be possible that numOperations > numPlaces

Is there a way to achieve that? Sorry if I can't provide codes, but I literally have no idea where should I go to create these types of CHECKS. Hope you can help me!


  • For this to work, you must have set the workshop with the correct number of places. And you should have a routine, that diminishes the number of operations so that you can enter new operation in one workshop

    CREATE TABLE Workshop 
    (location Text, numPlaces int , numOperations int
    INSERT INTO Workshop VALUES ('A',9,8)
    CREATE TABLE Operation (idoperation int, workLocation Text)
    CREATE TRIGGER before_Operation_insert
    ON Operation FOR EACH ROW
        DECLARE Placescount_ INT;
        DECLARE Operationscount_ INT;
        SELECT numPlaces, numOperations
        INTO Placescount_,Operationscount_
        FROM Workshop WHERE location = NEW.workLocation;
        IF Placescount_ < Operationscount_ THEN
            UPDATE Workshop
            SET numOperations = numOperations + 1  WHERE location=new.workLocation ;
            SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000'
          SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Maximum Number of Operarations reached in location ';
        END IF; 
    INSERT INTO Operation VALUES (1,'A')
    Maximum Number of Operarations reached in location 

    db<>fiddle here