I have data of a network (siouxfalls) and want to make simulation with it in SUMO. For OD file, I have the demand between each node (not the links): https://github.com/bstabler/TransportationNetworks/blob/master/SiouxFalls/SiouxFalls_trips.tntp
As I know, to make OD file in SUMO, we should use TAZ (not the node): https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Demand/Importing_O/D_Matrices.html
So, this is my question: How can I make trips and simulation with sumo, when I have the value of demands between nodes?
You can build a district (TAZ) file where each TAZ has the outgoing edges of a node as source edges and the incoming edges of a node as incoming. You can safely reuse the node id as a taz id here.
<taz id="<TAZ_ID>">
<tazSource id="<EDGE_ID>" weight="<PROBABILITY_TO_USE>"/>
... further source edges ...
<tazSink id="<EDGE_ID>" weight="<PROBABILITY_TO_USE>"/>
... further destination edges ...
... further traffic assignment zones (districts) ...
To build that programmatically you can parse the network with sumolib (incomplete sketch below):
import sumolib
net = sumolib.net.readNet('myNet.net.xml')
for node in net.getNodes():
print('<taz id="%s">' % node.getID())
for outEdge in node.getOutgoing():
print('<tazSource id="%s"/>' % outEdge.getID())
for inEdge in node.getOutgoing():
print('<tazSink id="%s"/>' % inEdge.getID())