
What are the file annotations in a pip requirements.txt file?

My general Python workflow, which has been restricted to my own Windows laptop so far, involves using conda to manage environments and install packages.

However, I now need to work on a project from a remote desktop as well. That remote desktop has python3 and pip installed, but I cannot install conda (and I do not want to). I decided to uploaded the required packages to my repository, so that I can correctly run my project on the remote desktop.

To get to the point: since I do not have conda installed on the remote desktop, I used pip freeze > requirements.txt to generate a requirements file on my laptop (that I uploaded to my repo), hoping to use pip install -r requirements.txt on the remote desktop. However, the requirements.txt file contains package annotations of the format package-name @ file:///some/directory, which makes the package installation fail on the remote desktop.

What do the @ file:///... annotations mean, why are they generated, and is there a way to just get the package versions in the package-name==package-version format instead, so that I can install them using pip on my remote desktop?


  • Please check out this command :

    pip list --format=freeze > requirements.txt 

    For more information read this github discussion