I use Symfony 5 and have a trouble with the ParamConverter bundle when I try to map request to my DTO class. In my controller I use create method:
* @Rest\Post("/project/{projectId}/blogger-mix/")
* @ParamConverter("command", class=CreateBloggerMixCommand::class, converter="fos_rest.request_body")
public function create(string $projectId, CreateBloggerMixCommand $command, CreateBloggerMixHandler $handler): View
$command->projectId = $projectId;
try {
$bloggerSetItem = $handler->handle($command);
return new View(['id' => $bloggerSetItem->getId()], Response::HTTP_OK);
} catch (\Throwable $exception){
return $this->handleErrors($exception);
The DTO looks like:
class CreateBloggerMixCommand implements CommandInterface
* @var array|string[]
public array $bloggerSetItems;
When I send request with an array:
"bloggerSetItems": [
I receive an error:
"success": false,
"status": 500,
"errors": "You must define a type for App\\Project\\Api\\Command\\CreateBloggerMix\\CreateBloggerMixCommand::$bloggerSetItems."
In a nutshell, I can't figure out why ParamConverter can't resolve property array. If I change array
to string
, then ParamConverter responds that can't convert an array to a string
it means that ParamConverter eventualy can see the property, but can't resolve array exactly...
Any idea welcome!
Thanx to our partner we found the following solution:
In DTO add:
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation as Serializer;
And in annotation:
* @Assert\NotBlank
* @Assert\Type (type="array")
* @Serializer\Type(name="array<string>")
* @var array|string[]
public array $bloggerSetItems;