i want to define a Base model that inherits from pydantic BaseModel like bellow
class BaseDomain(BaseModel):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.__exceptions = []
def add_error(self, exception: GeneralException):
but i get this error when i use Product model that inherits from BaseDomain
ValueError: "Product" object has no field "_BaseDomain__exceptions"
Because you have overidden pydantic's init method that is executed when a class that inherits from BaseModel is created. you should call super()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.__exceptions = []
It seems that pydantic throws that error because it validates __exceptions as an input and throws an error because it isn't defined in the classes annotations
Try this:
from typing import List, Any
class BaseDomain(BaseModel):
__exceptions:List[Any] = []
def __init__(self, **kwargs):