
File Import in an extension

I use to import files from another application via JSON into TYPO3. The imported files are saved in a specific storage. The associated records are created in sys_file. So far everything looks good. Now I'd like to add the imported files to a certain table. For that I use the approach of the news extension V8.5.2 according NewsImportService.php. There is a function hydrateNewsRecord() which makes media (file) relation. Therefor I use following code:

$media = $objectManager->get(\Zhaw\ZhawContinuingEducation\Domain\Model\FileReference::class);
\\ add new file to field
\\ add to table course

During test I always get the error (due to persistence manager): Table 'typo3_www.tx_zhawcontinuingeducation_domain_model_filereference' doesn't exist

I also included under domain/model FileReference.php and added in setup.typoscript:

objects {
        TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference.className = Zhaw\ZhawContinuingEducation\Domain\Model\FileReference
persistence {
    storagePid =
    classes {
        Zhaw\ZhawContinuingEducation\Domain\Model\FileReference {
            mapping {
                tableName = sys_file_reference
                columns {
                    uid_local.mapOnProperty = originalFileIdentifier

The table tx_zhawcontinuingeducation_domain_model_filereference is not necessary, because it already exists in the core. Does anybody know, what I'm missing?


  • Mapping model classes like that in TypoScript isn't possible anymore since TYPO3 10.0. You'll need to add a EXT:extension/Configuration/Extbase/Persistence/Classes.php file to your extension with the following content:

    declare(strict_types = 1);
    return [
        \Zhaw\ZhawContinuingEducation\Domain\Model\FileReference::class => [
            'tableName' => 'sys_file_reference',
            'properties' => [
                'originalFileIdentifier' => [
                    'fieldName' => 'uid_local'

    More about this you can find here: https://docs.typo3.org/c/typo3/cms-core/master/en-us/Changelog/10.0/Breaking-87623-ReplaceConfigpersistenceclassesTyposcriptConfiguration.html