I am trying to get the Raspberry pi Bluetooth signal or the peripheral device characteristic on my React-Native application. I am using react-native-ble-manager
to scan and detect the peripheral devices. So far I got most of the devices like TV, Smart-Bands etc. But not getting the raspberry signal.
I did confirm if the network is enabled and visible to my mobile from the device(Mobile) Bluetooth Manager. Everything seems to be fine. I am using a realme XT handset for this application. I have also checked on different handsets and even those had the same problem. So, I think it's the problem of the component and not the mobile.
If there is a different approach with different package, even that approach is fine for me. Can someone help me on this!!.
Thank You!!
Like mentioned in the comments Raspberry Pi doesn't have a BLE service as default or maybe my code to enable the Bluetooth service doesn't have BLE.
My solution for this was using a different package. I replaced react-native-ble-manager
to react-native-bluetooth-serial-next
and walaaa!!.
Everything is working fine!!