
Checking PoDSecurityPolicy status in a GKE Cluster

How to check if PoDSecurityPolicy is enabled on a GKE cluster or not ? Using gcloud container clusters describe <clustername>, I could not find anything.

If I enable it on a cluster where this plugin is already enabled, it displays that the plugin has been enabled so there is no way actually to know that if plugin is already enabled on a cluster

 $ gcloud beta container clusters update mycluster --enable-pod-security-policy --zone us-east1-c
 Updating podsecpolicy-poc...done.
 Updated [<project>/zones/us-east1-c/clusters/mycluster].


  • Since PodSecurityPolicy is still a beta feature in GKE, it can only be accessed by GKE beta API. To check if PodSecurityPolicy controller is enabled on your GKE cluster, run:

    $ gcloud beta container clusters describe <cluster-name> --zone=<zone> --format json | jq '.podSecurityPolicyConfig'

    Sample command with its result:

    $ gcloud beta container clusters describe my-gke-cluster --zone=europe-west4-c --format json | jq '.podSecurityPolicyConfig'
      "enabled": true


    When PodSecurityPolicy is not enabled on GKE cluster, the above query returns:


    as there is no podSecurityPolicyConfig section available. You can also serch for it with grep. If PodSecurityPolicy is enabled, the result will look as follows:

    $ gcloud beta container clusters describe my-gke-cluster --zone=europe-west4-c | grep -iA 1 podsecuritypolicy
      enabled: true

    If it is not, you won't find this section at all.