
primeNg : get value of all the p-dropdown on change event of one drop down

I have a situation were on my html page is have 5 primeNg p-dropdown and I want to read the values of all the 5 dropdown on change event of any of the p-dropdown so that I can apply filters on all the selected values to show data in data grid. I am trying with Template Reference Variables but no luck


        <ng-template pTemplate="header">
                    Compnay Name <p-dropdown #cmpDropDown [options]="cmpResp" optionLabel="cmpName"
                        optionValue="cmpId" scrollHeight='150px'
                        (onChange)="getChangeAppDetails(cmpDropDown.value, deptDropDown, prodDropDown)">
                    Department Name <p-dropdown #deptDropDown [options]="deptResp" optionLabel="deptName"
                        optionValue="deptId" scrollHeight='150px' 
                        (onChange)="getChangeDeptDetails(deptDropDown.value, cmpDropDown, prodDropDown)"> </p-dropdown>
                <td>Product Name <p-dropdown #feedDropDown [options]="prodResp" optionLabel="prodName" optionValue="prodId"
                        scrollHeight='150px' getChangeProdDetails(prodDropDown.value, cmpDropDown, deptDropDown)> </p-dropdown>


app.component.ts :-

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']

export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
    title = 'AngularUi';  
    public deliveryDataResp    : any;
    public deliveryDataRespBck : any;
    public cmpResp             : any;
    public deptResp            : any = [ {"deptId": "ALL", "cmpId": "ALL", "deptName": "ALL"}];
    public prodResp            : any = [ {"prodId": "ALL", "deptId": "ALL", "prodName": "ALL"}];
        //Get Compnay List
        this.cmpResp = [{"cmpId" : "ALL", "cmdName" : "ALL"}, {"cmpId" : "Sony", "cmdName" : "Sony"}, {"cmpId" : "Samsung", "cmdName" : "Samsung"}]        
    }//End of ngOnInIt
    //Change event of Compnay drop down
    getChangeCompnyDetails(cmpDropDownVal: String, deptDropDown: HTMLSelectElement, prodDropDown: HTMLSelectElement): void {        
        console.log("Compnay Id :- ", cmpDropDownVal)
        console.log("Department Id :- ", deptDropDown.value)
        console.log("Product Id :- ", prodDropDown.value)

So on from company drop down I will select Sony from drop down then on change event I want values of other two drop downs as well

Expected Output :-

Compnay Id    :- Sony
Department Id :- ALL
Product Id    :- ALL

but it is giving me

Compnay Id    :- Sony
Department Id :- Undefine
Product Id    :- Undefine

Please help me with this..


  • Try to use ngmodel.

    import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'app-root',
      templateUrl: './app.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
    export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
        title = 'AngularUi';
        cmpDropDown = null;
        deptDropDown = null;
        feedDropDown = null;
        public deliveryDataResp    : any;
        public deliveryDataRespBck : any;
        public cmpResp             : any;
        public deptResp            : any = [ {"deptId": "ALL", "cmpId": "ALL", "deptName": "ALL"}];
        public prodResp            : any = [ {"prodId": "ALL", "deptId": "ALL", "prodName": "ALL"}];
            //Get Compnay List
            this.cmpResp = [{"cmpId" : "ALL", "cmdName" : "ALL"}, {"cmpId" : "Sony", "cmdName" : "Sony"}, {"cmpId" : "Samsung", "cmdName" : "Samsung"}]
        }//End of ngOnInIt
        //Change event of Compnay drop down
        onChange(): void {
            console.log("Compnay Id :- ", this.feedDropDown)
            console.log("Department Id :- ", this.deptDropDown)
            console.log("Product Id :- ", this.feedDropDown)
      <ng-template pTemplate="header">
                  Compnay Name <p-dropdown [options]="cmpResp" optionLabel="cmpName"
                      optionValue="cmpId" scrollHeight='150px'
                  Department Name <p-dropdown [options]="deptResp" optionLabel="deptName"
                      optionValue="deptId" scrollHeight='150px'
                      (onChange)="onChange()"> </p-dropdown>
              <td>Product Name <p-dropdown [options]="prodResp" optionLabel="prodName" optionValue="prodId"
                [(ngModel)]="feedDropDown" scrollHeight='150px'  (onChange)="onChange()"> </p-dropdown>