Okay, I build Game DB schema using astronomy package in meteor.
Then I try to add method to it by extending it in server. (server/gamehandle.js)
import {Game} from '../imports/db/game'
import {DDP} from 'meteor/ddp-client'
meteorMethods: {
const invocation = DDP._CurrentInvocation.get()
this.namaGame = judul
this.creator = invocation.userId
this.createdAt = new Date()
return this.save()
But when I try to run the method in app client using callMethod it throw an error that astronomy/execute not found 404. This the component using it
import {Game} from '../../../db/game'
export function NewGameList(props){
const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()
const [judul, setJudul] = useState('')
const [hasil, setHasil] = useState(null)
const judulChange = (e) => setJudul(e.target.value)
const AddGame = new Game()
const handleSubmit = (e) => {
AddGame.callMethod('AddNewGame', judul, (err, result) => {
result ? setHasil(result) : setHasil(err.message)
So enlight me, what thing I do wrong?
Finally found the solution from meteor slack. Just need to imports my db file to main js file in server.