i have this date picker in my app, and i want the last date to be 3 years ago from the time using the app how can i solve it, i tried to give the last date now.year -3 but it doesn't work! it keeps tell me that 'The instance member 'noww' can't be accessed in an initializer.'
var noww = DateTime.now();
DateTime selectedDate = DateTime(noww.year - 3);
context: context,
initialDate: selectedDate, // Refer step 1
firstDate: DateTime(now.year - 10),
lastDate: DateTime(now.year + 1),
Declare the variable now like this
var noww;
But then after that, run the rest of the code in initState(), like this
void initState(){
noww = DateTime.now();
DateTime selectedDate = DateTime(noww.year - 3);
context: context,
initialDate: selectedDate, // Refer step 1
firstDate: DateTime(now.year - 10),
lastDate: DateTime(now.year + 1),
Widget build(context){
This is because you cannot use initialisers outside of functions.