
Align RGB Depth Map with RGB image without intrinsic matrix

I have pairs of image - an image (blurred intentionally) and its depth map (given as PNG).

For example: enter image description here

However, there seems to be a shift between the depth map and the real image as can be seen in this example: enter image description here

All i know that these images were shot with a RealSense LiDAR Camera L515 (I do not have knowledge of the underlying camera characteristics or the distance between both rgb and infrared sensors).

Is there a way to align both images? I searched the internet for possible solutions. However, all solutions rely on data that I do not have, such as the intrinsic matrix, cameras SDK and more.


  • Since the two imaging systems are very close physically, the homography between them would likely be a good approximation. You can find the homography using 4 corresponding points that you choose manually.

    You can use the OpenvCV implementation.