I build the below AR(2) model :
# Generate noise
noise=rnorm(200, mean=0, sd=1)
# Introduce a variable
# Set the value of parameter theta1
# Loop for generating MA(1)
for(i in 2:200)
ma_1[i] = 0.1 + noise[i] + theta1*noise[i-1]
plot(ma_1, main="MA(1) Model", type = "l", col= "blue")
Im trying to create a function to calculate the autocorrelation. I want to build a process so for for find that and then make a plot.
Any ideas ?
Taking the formula for the empirical autocorrelation on Enders' Applied econometric time series (4th edition, page 67):
Then we just need to write code for it):
acf.new = function(y, smax, plot){
values = numeric()
for(i in 0:smax){
values[i+1] = sum((y-mean(y))*(lag(y, i)-mean(y))) / sum((y-mean(y))^2)}
df = data.frame(Acf=values, Lag=0:smax)
graph = ggplot(df, aes(x=Lag, y=Acf)) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0)) +
geom_segment(mapping=aes(xend=Lag, yend=0))
The plot:
Endres also gives a formula for the variance of the the acf:
You can also use this to plot the confidence intervals like acf
does. If you want, i can write code for it too.
Checking the output (with set.seed(10)):
> cbind(acf(ma_1, 23, plot=FALSE)$acf, acf.new(ma_1, 23))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1.00000000 1.00000000
[2,] 0.54446735 0.54446735
[3,] 0.10622437 0.10622437
[4,] 0.05674789 0.05674789
[5,] 0.07363862 0.07363862
[6,] 0.06474101 0.06474101
[7,] 0.03218385 0.03218385
[8,] -0.00330324 -0.00330324
[9,] -0.07926465 -0.07926465
[10,] -0.10776187 -0.10776187
[11,] -0.11907161 -0.11907161
[12,] -0.09931743 -0.09931743
[13,] 0.01019203 0.01019203
[14,] 0.07401695 0.07401695
[15,] 0.07139094 0.07139094
[16,] -0.02332401 -0.02332401
[17,] -0.14173214 -0.14173214
[18,] -0.12507718 -0.12507718
[19,] -0.04592383 -0.04592383
[20,] -0.05617885 -0.05617885
[21,] -0.12087564 -0.12087564
[22,] -0.05018037 -0.05018037
[23,] -0.01171499 -0.01171499
[24,] -0.10177784 -0.10177784