this is my scenario:
I need to set Bot A as a proxy receiving the audio attatchments and asking to Bot B showing the returning answer inside Bot A.
I've already managed to connect those two bots with directline and my problem comes after the conversation is started: in Bot A i'm using the REST API for send messages and websocket to receive the activities using the streamURL.
After i create the websocket i call for on message event to get the messages comming from the Bot B but i need to show them using await context.sendActivity(MessageFactory.text...
response = await, null, config);
ws = new WebSocket(;
ws.on('message', function incoming(data) {
Thanks in advance.
Please look over the 80.skills-simple-bot-to-bot sample for guidance on how to connect two bots. The sample demonstrates a "root bot" (your Bot A) calling the "skill bot" (your Bot B) and executing a dialog before returning control back to the root bot. The conversation Id is maintained across the root and skill bot by use of the SkillConversationIdFactory
Reference the Implement a skill docs for additional information on setting up and consuming a skill.