I would like to use reprex on RStudio Cloud
The reprex
manual says:
When the clipboard is structurally unavailable, e.g., on RStudio Server or RStudio Cloud, reprex() consults the current selection instead of the clipboard
However, when I select my code in the script on RStudio Cloud and type reprex::reprex()
in the console I get the following message:
No user-supplied code found … so we’ve made some up. You’re welcome!
``` r
sprintf("Happy %s!", weekdays(Sys.Date()))
#> [1] "Happy Thursday!"
<sup>Created on 2021-03-18 by the [reprex package](https://reprex.tidyverse.org) (v1.0.0)</sup>
Update1: I get following error in the console if I copy the code into the clipboard and/or select it the script:
> reprex::reprex()
! No input provided and clipboard is not available.
This question got kindly answered by jennybc: https://github.com/tidyverse/reprex/issues/369#issuecomment-803229938
This is a feature of dev reprex, so it is not yet on CRAN. Therefore, I suspect this is a version issue. (The pkgdown site reflects dev capabilities.)
I will release these features to CRAN reprex soon.