I have the following code snippet that does a simple HTTP look up for a set of URL's.
def parse(filter: ParserFilter): Task[Seq[HttpBinaryResponse]] = {
import scalaj.http._
// Extracts all HTML body anchor elements into an Option
val browser = new JsoupBrowser {
override def requestSettings(conn: Connection): Connection =
val hrefs =
browser.get(filter.url) >> elementList("a[href]") >?> attr("href")
val batched = hrefs.distinct.flatten
.map(href =>
Task {
HttpBinaryResponse.asHttpBinaryResponse(href, Http(href).asString)
.sliding(30, 30)
.map(chunk => Task.parSequence(chunk))
I have a Play controller where I call this function and run the Task as below:
val batches = appBindings.httpService.parse(parserFilter)
batches.runToFuture.materialize.map {
case Success(elems) =>
"baseURL" -> s"${parserFilter.url}",
"Total Elements" -> s"${elems.size}",
"results" -> HttpBinaryResponse.asJson(elems)
case Failure(err) =>
Ok(Json.obj("status" -> "error", "message" -> s"${err.getMessage}")).enableCors
For one of a URL which results in a SSLHandshakeException, I land in the Failure(err) case block, but rather I want to get the following:
How do I tweak my Task implementation to do what I need? Any ideas? I tried the onErrorRecoverWith handler, but seems not to have any effect. Any ideas?
I managed to get this done as below:
def parse(filter: ParserFilter): Task[Seq[HttpBinaryResponse]] = {
import scalaj.http._
// Extracts all HTML body anchor elements into an Option
val browser = new JsoupBrowser {
override def requestSettings(conn: Connection): Connection =
val hrefs =
browser.get(filter.url) >> elementList("a[href]") >?> attr("href")
val batched = hrefs.distinct.flatten
.map(href =>
Task {
HttpBinaryResponse.asHttpBinaryResponse(href, Http(href).asString)
}.onErrorRecoverWith { case ex: Exception =>
origin = href,
isSuccess = false,
errorMessage = Some(s"${ex.getMessage}")))
.sliding(30, 30)
.map(chunk => Task.parSequence(chunk))