I get a strange Error Message during the Code-Generation Process in STM CubeIDE for a STM32F4 target:
The Details: I am using STM CubeIDE for an embedded Project with an STM32F405 Microcontroller and I have added the CMSIS Package 5.7.0 to the project, because i need some of the DSP functions. I have allready done this before and never experienced such an error message.
The message pops up during the Code-Generation process, after changing something in the Hardware-Setup with the (built in) CubeMX. It occurs two times during the Code Generation process. I can click on "OK" and it does NOT interrupt the Code Generation process, which seems to finish successfully. I can also compile the project without errors and it seems to work ok.
The Question: Even though it seems to work properly, I'd like to know: what is this, where does it come from, and what can I do to solve this? I'm affraid that might lead to some unpleasant sleeping bugs or other nasty stuff ...
Has anyone experienced anything simlilar and has an explanation or even a solution for this?
Hint: I have recently update to CubeIDE 1.6.0 - maybe this is a Bug in CubeIDE and not in CMSIS?
What I've done: I tried to google that, with the keywords: "SliDtzliTZ&" and the "LogicalParser:syntax error detected in expression for ARM.CMSIS.5.7.0" but did not get any usefull results. Next step was to post the question here ...
Thank you in advance, Chris
This problem happens with release version 5.7.0
. Using any older version available in the official repository solves the problem.
I'm using 5.6.0
now and all is fine.
Edit: Problem persists on 5.8.0