
How to check if values of a DateType column are within a range of specified dates?

So, I'm using Amazon Deequ in Spark, and I have a dataframe df with a column publish_date which is of type DateType. I simply want to check the following:

publish_date <= current_date(minus)x AND publish_date >= current_date(minus)y

where x and y are integers.

I'm not sure what check to put here:

val verificationResult: VerificationResult = { VerificationSuite()
        Check(CheckLevel.Error, "Review Check")
          //function to check this


  • You can use this Spark SQL expression :

    publish_date <= date_sub(current_date(), x) AND publish_date >= date_sub(current_date(), y)

    With Check's satisfies method:

    val verificationResult: VerificationResult = { VerificationSuite()
            Check(CheckLevel.Error, "Review Check")
                s"publish_date <= date_sub(current_date(), $x) AND publish_date >= date_sub(current_date(), $y)",
                "check constraint name/description"

    Or using between:

    publish_date between date_sub(current_date(), y) and date_sub(current_date(), x)