
Redirect to logout link after closing the last tab

As per the requirement, I have to log out the user when he closes the last tab on a browser.

    ngOnInit() {
        let counter: any = this.cookieService.get('screenCounterCookie');
        counter ? ++counter : (counter = '1');
        this.cookieService.set('screenCounterCookie', counter);

    @HostListener('window:beforeunload', ['$event'])
    ngOnDestroy() {
        let counter: any = this.cookieService.get('screenCounterCookie');
        if (counter > 1) {
            this.cookieService.set('screenCounterCookie', counter);
        } else {

The behaviour is erratic. Sometimes it reduces the counter, sometimes it doesn't. Also, I have to handle the refresh, multiple tabs close and browser close logic here.

How can I implement it?


  • Keeping count of total tabs:,js,output (Refer to this)

    Method 1 (Will make a POST call):

    Using BeaconAPI (navigator.sendBeacon()). This will happen in the background.

    Method 2 (Will work for GET Call as well):

    Using fetch and keep-alive

    Method 3 (Websocket):

    Ping your backend every few minutes or so. And if there's no ping the backend can invalidate your session.