
branch and checkout using a single command

Creating and using a new branch involves two commands:

$ git branch new_branch_name
$ git checkout new_branch_name

I tend to forget the latter, which can be annoying. Is there a way to do this using a single command? Perhaps using an alias, or something similar? I know I could write a shell function, but that seems a bit much work for such a simple and common task.

Bazaar does support this to some degree using the bzr branch --switch notation.


  • Git introduced switch in version 2.23 to handle changing of branches specifically and avoid the use of checkout which can be confusing by the sheer amount of operations it can do.

    Among other possibilites,

    git switch <branch>  # to switch to an existing branch
    git switch -c <new_branch>  # to create a new branch and switch to it