
how to write a custom protocol for multiple line input into mrJobs

I'm trying to use mrJobs with a csv file. The problem is the csv file has input spanned over multiple lines.

Searching through the mrJob documentation, I think I need to write a custom protocol to handle the input.

I tried to write my own protocol below, multiLineCsvInputProtocol, but I am already getting an error: TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Not going to lie in that I think I am over my head here.

Basically each new row of data in the multi-line csv file starts with a datestring. I want to read input line by line, spit each line on the commas, store the values in a list, and whenever a new line starts with a datestring, I want to yield the entire list to the first mapper.

(That or find some other better way to read multi-line csv input)

Can anyone help me get passed this error?

import csv
import mapreduce as mr
from mrjob.job import MRJob
from mrjob.step import MRStep
from mrjob import protocol

class multiLineCsvInputProtocol(object):
    def read(self, line):
        key, val = enumerate(line.split(',', 1))
        return key, val

class someTask(MRJob):

  INPUT_PROTOCOL = multiLineCsvInputProtocol

  def mapper1(self,_, row):
    yield (row, 1 )

if __name__ == '__main__':


  • According to the documentation of the mrjob, the line parameter of the read function has the type of bytestring, you are most likely getting that error because you are split-ting by ',' which is an str:

    Writing custom protocols

    A protocol is an object with methods read(self, line) and write(self, key, value). The read() method takes a bytestring and returns a 2-tuple of decoded objects, and write() takes the key and value and returns bytes to be passed back to Hadoop Streaming or as output.

    Possible solutions:

    1. You can try splitting by b',', which is a bytestring
    2. You can decode the line before the splitting, like this: line.decode().split(',', 1) (it's probably a good idea to specify the encoding)