
Access control to the new user

  1. Create User

We could create user successfully by using userManager.createUser

  1. User Access privilege to absPath

created newSession with newly created user.

String[] privileges = new String[]{PrivilegeConstants.JCR_ALL};
AccessControlUtils.addAccessControlEntry(newSession, absPath, new PrincipalImpl(user.getUsername()),
                        privileges, true);

Caused by: javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException: No tree at /advitium/repo at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.security.authorization.accesscontrol.AbstractAccessControlManager.getTree(AbstractAccessControlManager.java:164) at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.security.authorization.accesscontrol.AccessControlManagerImpl.getApplicablePolicies(AccessControlManagerImpl.java:195)

whereas the same path can be accessed using admin session.

Question : How do we provide access to the node for the new user.


  • We have to use admin session to assign prviliges with the newly created principal.