
I want to Display Square Checkbox on IOS ,IPad in xamarin form

This Below is my IOS Page .I want to show this type of check box on iOS in xamarin form. I have use Xamarin 5.0 version. When I am try to use check element in iOS show rounded check box but I want square check box.

 <CheckBox  x:Name="chkRememberMe"  BackgroundColor="#7E7E7E" SizeChanged="20" IsChecked="False" CheckedChanged="ChkRememberMe_OnCheckedChanged" ></CheckBox>

This is my check box code what can I do that in iOS for a square checkbox.I'm completely new to xamarin.forms, I need to add a checkbox, radio buttons and drop down list. I tried some samples from net but I'm not able to get the checkbox. Can anyone help me to achieve.Controls.Checkbox to create checkbox for ios and andorid in Xamarin Forms.Now i am getting the checkbox but i cant read the value either it is checked or not.Here is my code


  • You could use the plugin Xamarin.Forms.InputKit from nuget .

     <input:CheckBox Text="xxx" Type="Check"/>

    If you want to customize the style of the checkbox , you could check https://github.com/enisn/Xamarin.Forms.InputKit/wiki/CheckBox .