This Below is my IOS Page .I want to show this type of check box on iOS in xamarin form. I have use Xamarin 5.0 version. When I am try to use check element in iOS show rounded check box but I want square check box.
<CheckBox x:Name="chkRememberMe" BackgroundColor="#7E7E7E" SizeChanged="20" IsChecked="False" CheckedChanged="ChkRememberMe_OnCheckedChanged" ></CheckBox>
This is my check box code what can I do that in iOS for a square checkbox.I'm completely new to xamarin.forms, I need to add a checkbox, radio buttons and drop down list. I tried some samples from net but I'm not able to get the checkbox. Can anyone help me to achieve.Controls.Checkbox to create checkbox for ios and andorid in Xamarin Forms.Now i am getting the checkbox but i cant read the value either it is checked or not.Here is my code
You could use the plugin Xamarin.Forms.InputKit from nuget .
<input:CheckBox Text="xxx" Type="Check"/>
If you want to customize the style of the checkbox , you could check .