My goal is to create a dynamic table, where I'll get values from my Database and using iterations create multiple rows in the table. I currently don't know if it is possible using 'pylatex'. My concern now is to create a Math equation in my pdf using python.
Following you can get a glimpse of What i am trying to do.
from pylatex import Document, Section, Subsection, Tabular
from pylatex import Math, TikZ, Axis, Plot, Figure, Matrix, Alignat
from pylatex.utils import italic, bold
with doc.create(Subsection('Math Equations')):
doc.append('Attempt to create dynamic table i.e creating dynamic rows depending on the number of rows in Database, and displaying those values in PDF Table. \n \n')
with doc.create(Tabular('|p{3cm}|p{7cm}|p{3cm}|')) as table:
table.add_row((bold('ID'), bold('Equation'), bold('Result')))
table.add_row('1',Math(inline=False, data="\sum(a+b)", escape=None),'Result')
for x in range(0, 3):
table.add_row((bold(x), bold(x+1), bold(x+2)))
I have also tried "pythontex" in latex, where creating equations is easy using \sum_(a+b), for summation, but creating dynamic tables seems difficult or impossible.
Looking forward for your suggestions. :)
A trick I quickly learned when working with pylatex is using NoEscape to embed raw LaTeX into the document, when pylatex comes short:
from pylatex import Document, Section, Subsection, Tabular, NoEscape
from pylatex import Math, TikZ, Axis, Plot, Figure, Matrix, Alignat
from pylatex.utils import italic, bold
with doc.create(Subsection('Math Equations')):
doc.append('Attempt to create dynamic table i.e creating dynamic rows depending on the number of rows in Database, and displaying those values in PDF Table. \n \n')
with doc.create(Tabular('|p{3cm}|p{7cm}|p{3cm}|')) as table:
table.add_row((bold('ID'), bold('Equation'), bold('Result')))
table.add_row('1', NoEscape(r"$$\sum(a+b)$$"), 'Result')
for x in range(0, 3):
table.add_row((bold(x), bold(x+1), bold(x+2)))
Here I use Displayed equations, you could use inline formulas as well with single $.