How to dynamically insert strings from code-behind into the asp-for properties of Razor Pages elements

Can I somehow take string values from a class and insert those string values into the values of the asp-for property of a Razor Page HTML element?

I have a class like below that just contains the names of the Days of the Week:

public class Days
    public static List<string> DaysList { get; set; } = new List<string>
        new string("Saturday"),
        new string("Sunday"),
        new string("Monday"),
        new string("Tuesday"),
        new string("Wednesday"),
        new string("Thursday"),
        new string("Friday")

I want to be able to dynamically use the names of the week to build out asp-for values that are actual var/property names. Like in asp-for="@(Day)StartTime", it would actually be a variable in the code behind named SaturdayStartTime, SundayStartTime, etc. Then for @SpanHours the same would apply there as a property of MyObject which is MyObject.SaturdaySpanHours, MyObject.SundaySpanHours, etc.

I was just hoping to be able to implement it via foreach like below, but that doesn't work.

        foreach (string Day in Days.DaysList)
            string SpanHours = "MyObject." + Day + "SpanHours";
            <input type="time" value="@Model.MyObject.@(Day)StartTime.ToString("HH:mm")" asp-for="@(Day)StartTime" />
            <input asp-for="@SpanHours" class="form-control" value=@Model.MyObject.@(Day)SpanHours />

Is there another method to be able to dynamically insert values into the asp-for properties?


  • Don't use asp-for; instead, use name and id:

    <input name="@SpanHours" id="@SpanHours" class="form-control" value=@Model.MyObject.@(Day)SpanHours />