
Why i cannot install Laravel Breeze

I installed a fresh laravel application using version 7.30.4. When I tried to install laravel breeze, using command composer require laravel/breeze --dev, it gives me this error.

  Package laravel/breeze has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version

My current version of PHP is 7.2.19


  • This error comes due to compatible version in your composer.json file. To fix this issue, change the composer.json file "platform" configuration:

    "platform": {
                "php": "7.3"

    Then execute composer install or composer update

    or you can run the below command:

    composer config platform.php 7.4.3

    Laravel breeze required PHP version 7.3 and as you said your PHP version is 7.2.19 so you have to update it.