
How can I rename a webdav collection using Symfony Client?

I am using an http Client with Symfony. In this example I am creating a folder.

 $client = HttpClient::create();

 /* @var $response ResponseInterface */
 $createFolder = $client->request('MKCOL', $filePath, [
     'auth_basic' => [$user, $authKey],

This works well.

Now I want to rename a folder:

 $renameFolder = $client->request('MOVE', $filePath, [
     'auth_basic' => [$user, $authKey],

But what I cannot figure out is, where do I define the new folder name?


  • You seem to be accessing a Webdav server, from the MKCOL command.

    If you want to use MOVE, the destination should be passed on a Destination header, as shown here.

    With Symfony Http Client, the request would be something like:

    $moveCollection =  $client->request('MOVE', $collectionPath,
         'auth_basic' => [$user, $authKey],
         'headers'    => [
                'Destination' => $newCollectionPath