I'm using cachetools and I want to get the cache_info()
class UserData(object):
def __init__():
@cached(cache=TTLCache(maxsize=1024, ttl=600))
def get_user_data(self, user_id):
return self.redis.get_user_data(user_id)
def get_cache_info():
return self.get_user_data.cache_info()
I want to get the cache statistics as appear in this answer:
>>> foo.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=1, maxsize=5, currsize=1)
I know that's a different cache (I'm using 3rd party library) but in the documentation above the cache_info
does exist. Is there a way to get the TTLCache
statistics somehow?
By the code and documentation you should use ttl_cache
from func.py
from cachetools.func import ttl_cache
class UserData(object):
@ttl_cache(maxsize=1024, ttl=600)
def get_user_data(self, user_id):
return self.redis.get_user_data(user_id)
You should then be able to call UserData.get_user_data.cache_info()
decorator does not maintain any statistics.