I've got a model which has a video attached with Paperclip. After it saves I use the saved video to generate a thumbnail. I need to do this after every save, even when a new video hasn't been uploaded, because the user can change the time where the thumbnail is captured.
I am currently using after_post_process to do this, but it will only generate the thumbnail when uploading a file (this is a callback which is part of Paperclip).
I would ideally use an after_save callback like this:
after_save :save_thumbnail
def save_thumbnail
#generate thumbnail...
:thumbnail_file_name => File.basename(thumb),
:thumbnail_content_type => 'image/jpeg'
Unfortunately update_attributes calls save, which then calls the before_save callback causing an infinite loop. Is there a simple way to circumvent this behaviour?
You could wrap it in a conditional, something like:
def save_thumbnail
if File.basename(thumb) != thumbnail_file_name
:thumbnail_file_name => File.basename(thumb),
:thumbnail_content_type => 'image/jpeg'
That way it would only run once.