
Microblink: Extracting the issuer name

Although we were able to do this Android, we haven't yet got the issuer name on iOS.

// after Microblink has looked at an image (from the camera roll)
func recognizerRunner(_ recognizerRunner: MBCRecognizerRunner, didFinishScanningWith state: MBCRecognizerResultState) {
    if state == .valid { // values: .empty, .uncertain, .valid, .stageValid
        let result = blinkCardRecognizer.result
        DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {() -> Void in
            let details = VerificationDetails(firstSix: self.firstSix(result.cardNumber),
                                              lastFour: self.lastFour(result.cardNumber),
                                              name: result.owner,
                                              brand: result.issuer)
            self.delegate?.scanningSuccess(details: details)
    else {

The problem is that result.issuer is returning a MBCIssuer object, which I can't find any documentation for. How do I retrieve a string from a MBCIssuer?


  • Found it. Available from: MBCBlinkCardUtils.issuer(toString: result.issuer)