Hello stack overflow community,
I am an absolute beginner with regard to how servers configuration works. Currently, I have an app to be scheduled at a specific time, for every 5 minutes. (8:00 am - 10:00PM Malaysia Time, (GMT+8)). But my server is using Eastern Daylight Time, (EDT).
So how do I write it in my program so it will run on the 8-9 PM Malaysia time.
Below is my current code.
var schedule = require("node-schedule");
schedule.scheduleJob("*/5 8-22 * * *", function () {
//Some code to get data
Thanks for any helps in advance
Your server is Eastern Daylight Time, (EDT) equal to GMT-4 and you want to run your code at 8:00 GMT+8
Then it would be from 8 P.M (20:00) the day BEFORE to 10 A.M CURRENT DAY in EDT time.
For this case, maybe you would like to see this cronjob over midnight. Good luck.