
View Controller shows as pop-up

I want a normal segue, so no pop-up. But when I push the button to go to the next ViewController, it shows as ab pop-up. The buttons to the next ViewController is in a different storyboard than the ViewController I'd like to go to. This is the code of the first ViewController:

import UIKit
//some other code

class LoginViewController: UIViewController {
   //some other code
   override func viewDidLoad() {
       //some other code
   @objc private func ProceedTapped(){
       //Door naar storyboard van de daadwerkelijke app
       print("Proceed clicked")
       performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToAppIdentifier", sender: self)
   override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

And this is the code of the ViewController I'd like to go to:

import UIKit

class HomeScreen: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        print("Home has loaded") 

The kind of the segue of the "Storyboard Segue" is "Show (e. g. push)"


  • You just have to go to story board select the 2nd view controller and change presentation style to "Full Screen". Please check below image for referenceenter image description here