I implemented a simple crud application in two ways. One with Laravel and Vue and one with Laravel, Vue and Inertia.
When rendering a simple user list in my Vue/Laravel application (either with routing or initial page load), Vue renders the whole page instantly and loads the user list as soon as it receives it from the server. -> good user experience, possibility to implement a loading indication
When rendering the same thing in my inertia application, Vue renders the whole page after the data has been received from the server. Which is a very bad thing for applications with large amounts of data.
Even in my really small/slim application, I felt the difference and figured this out with a simple sleep(3) before returning the view (or Inertia::render) in my UserController.
Is this normal/is there a way to prevent this? Or did I possibly implement inertia poorly?
I'm using inertia.js 0.8.5, inertia-vue 0.5.5 and Vue 2.6.12