
MySQL insert_id returning null even though there was an insert

I have the following PHP code. I wish to return the last id of the insert:

$sql = $this->dbLink->prepare("
            INSERT INTO VesselTransits (CreatedByUserID, TerminalID, VesselArrivalDate, VesselNameID)
            VALUES (?,?,?,?)
//i=integer, s=string
$sql->bind_param('iisi', $userID, $terminalID, $arrivalDate, $vesselNameID);
$userID          = $this->invoiceData['userID'];
$terminalID      = $this->invoiceData['terminalID'];
$arrivalDate     = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->invoiceData['berthDate']));
$vesselNameID    = $this->invoiceData['vesselNameID'];
$vesselTransitID = $sql->insert_id;
//echo('RecordInvoice line '.__LINE__.'<pre>');print_r($vesselTransitID);echo('</pre>');exit();


My DB schema is as follows:

CreatedByUserID   int
CreationDate      datetime
ModifiedByUser    int
ModifyDate        datetime
TerminalID        int
VesselArrivalDate datetime
VesselNameID      int
VesselTransitID   int [auto_increment]

I've thrown the kitchen sink at it, but no dice. No matter what I do, $vesselTransitID is always undefined. I have verified that there is actually an insert. I'm left with the only (HORRIBLE) option of running another select and returning the MAX VesselTransitID, which doesn't guarantee the correct result.


  • While the statement object has a insert_id property, it does appear to cause issues from time to time, as here.

    As the statement objects insert_id property is still after all these years not completely documented, I would suggest for simplicity and safety using the connection objects version of insert_id

    So do

    $vesselTransitID = $this->dbLink->insert_id;