I am trying to test a controller method for retrieving a book. For some reason the uploadBook() that I want to mock with when() method below doesn't return an object.
void uploadNewBookTest() {
MockMultipartFile firstFile = new MockMultipartFile("book", "filename.txt", "text/plain", "some xml".getBytes());
Author author = new Author("John", "Doe", "john.doe@mail.ru");
BookDto bookDto = new BookDto("some title", "desc", "en-US", "Sci-Fi", "pdf", "2020-12-10", author.getEmail(), "sdd23421");
Mockito.when(bookUploadService.uploadBook(bookDto, firstFile))
try {
.param("title", bookDto.getTitle())
.param("shortDescription", "asdf")
.param("publishedDate", bookDto.getPublishedDate())
.param("language", bookDto.getLanguage())
.param("genre", bookDto.getGenre())
.param("email", "hell")
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
For the .when() to see a match and return a object mocked object, I want to use the any(Object.class) but it seems it doesn't work in Jupiter5 the same way it works in JUnit4
I would like to do something like below
Mockito.when(bookUploadService.uploadBook(any(BookDto.class), any(MultipartFile.class)))
However, It asks me to cast the any() to the param requested by the method. When I do and execute, it throws an cast exception.
Can anyone help and tell me what I do wrong or what I am missing ? Or if you see why my .when() doesn't see a match, that will be highly appreciated.
Here is the method I am trying to mock
public Optional<BookDto> uploadBook(BookDto bookDto, MultipartFile bookFile)
any(Class<T> type)
is a plain mockito feature.
At compile time as well as at runtime, it cannot be mangled by JUnit.
So using JUnit4 or JUnit 5 should not change the any()
behavior while you set correctly the Spring unit test configuration for your test class that is a compatible Spring Runner in JUnit 4 and a compatible Spring Extension in JUnit 5.
Besides, your original code is valid while mocking with any()
sets a some weakness in your unit test.
About your current issue, I bet that you use a wrong import somewhere, probably for any()
. It should be static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any