
How to stub call in ruby Geocoder when calling specific service

The Geocoder gem allows for stubbing while testing:

When writing tests for an app that uses Geocoder it may be useful to avoid network calls and have Geocoder return consistent, configurable results. To do this, configure the :test lookup and/or :ip_lookup

Geocoder.configure(lookup: :test, ip_lookup: :test)
Add stubs to define the results that will be returned:

  "New York, NY", [
      'coordinates'  => [40.7143528, -74.0059731],
      'address'      => 'New York, NY, USA',
      'state'        => 'New York',
      'state_code'   => 'NY',
      'country'      => 'United States',
      'country_code' => 'US'

This works when calling the service without specifying a service:

results =

But when I specify a service directly in the call, the stubbing doesn't happen. Is there a way to stub this type of call?

results =, lookup: :google)

I am new to ruby and rails and would appreciate any help.


  • There's a small mistake in the example code. Should be, lookup: :google). Only mentioning it as it threw me off initially.

    After reading through the source code it's clear that stubbing and specifying a service cannot work together.

    name = options[:lookup] || Configuration.lookup || Geocoder::Lookup.street_services.first

    This is code is from the Query class when it determines the service to be used. You can see that it checks for a passed lookup service option first, then it checks the configuration (which has been set to test), then it goes with a default service which is just the first one on the list.

    The easiest solution is using the VCR (and Webmock) gem. It records the results from a live network request into a file and responds with the file contents for all future requests by the test. Stops live network requests and spares you from having to create mock data.