
Split string representing a comparison condition into its three parts

I want to split a string on different characters and I want to know what the 'splitter' is.

The string can be for example:


In these cases I want to get the name, the seperator and the value in an array.


The separators are =,==,!=,<,>,>=,<=.

Can anyone tell me to deal with this?


  • $strings = array("address=test","number>20","age<=55");
    foreach($strings as $s)
      preg_match('/([^=!<>]+)(=|==|!=|<|>|>=|<=)([^=!<>]+)/', $s, $matches);
      echo 'Left: ',$matches[1],"\n";
      echo 'Seperator: ',$matches[2],"\n";
      echo 'Right: ',$matches[3],"\n\n";


    Left: address
    Seperator: =
    Right: test
    Left: number
    Seperator: >
    Right: 20
    Left: age
    Seperator: <=
    Right: 55

    Edit: This method using the [^=!<>] makes the method to prefer failing completely over giving unexpected results. Meaning that foo=bar<3 will fail to be recognized. This can of course be changed to fit your needs :-).