I have binary image data that php gets from the memcached, it sends it to javascript, Javascript then creates a new image and set the source to the data, the data is already in base64_encoding, as it comes from the users machine when they upload a image file to the site, I use javascript FIle_Reader to get the binary data, send it to php ,and store it in a File_Server and memcached for later use. However when retreiving the data and trying to use it to output a viewable image, I get error, I have scoured the web, but no one really has a solution for my specific problem.
function Create_Img_From_Binary($data){
echo "
function Create_Img_From_Binary(data){
let img= document.createElement('img');
$fd= fopen("img.html",'r');
$data= fread($fd,filesize("img.html"));
The img.html file just contains the raw image data
Use the tag this way:
<img src="...">
where xxxx above is image base64 image code.
<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64, <?=base64_encode($Data)?>">
here $data is your binary image
it just solution for your question. see if its work or not.