
huawei map map.animateCamera not working?

i have now both GMS and HMS in the same app. Both in different classes.

but when i just this code:

   val cu = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(, 50)
        map.animateCamera(cu, object : CancelableCallback {
            override fun onCancel() {}
            override fun onFinish() {
                val zout = CameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy(-2.0f)

It works smoothly on Google, but it doesnt work smooth on Huawei devices. The map does not move at all on the huawei class i have made.

but on the other hand when i try to use:

 map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(, 18.0.toFloat()))

Its somehow working. But i dont want to move, i want to animate. So why is the animation not working for HMS??


  • figured it out. just had to update the map-kit gradle version to the newest version. now it works