I'd like to make the custom 4 digit code input component. By the way to avoid abnormal action when press key faster I hope to set focus on other element on keypress action after updated the value. But it doesn't act.
let value:string[] = new Array(4).fill("")
let elemIdx:number = 0;
function handleChange(event: any, element: number): void {
elemIdx = element;
value[element] = event.target.value;
afterUpdate(() => {
if (elemIdx < 3) {
input[elemIdx + 1].focus();
on:keypress={(e) => handleChange(e, i)}
I would change a couple of things in your code:
event instead, this will trigger whenever the value changesnexElementSibling
to identify the next inputThis will vastly simplify your code:
const value = new Array(4).fill("")
const handleInput = (ev, i) => i < value.length - 1 && ev.target.nextSibling.focus()
{#each value as v, i}
<input bind:value={v} autocomplete="off" maxlength="1"
on:input={(ev) => handleInput(ev, i)}
To understand what we have here:
as a bonus, each input gets maxlength="1"
this will prevent the user from typing more than one character.
and another bonus is that this is all purely based on how many characters you need, if you want 10 characters simply create an array with 10 items instead.