
How to list all anonymous (so IP-public) edits made to Wikipedia from a specific IP address?

Lets say I have an IP address, for example the IP address of the Hungarian Parliament:

How can I get a list of all Wikipeida edits made using this IP address?

On a Tom Scott webpage, I read:

Here's a fact: Wikipedia stores the IP addresses of anonymous users.

Here's another fact: all of the web traffic from the Houses of Parliament is sent through one of two proxy servers — which means that every anonymous edit to Wikipedia from within Parliament is attributed to one of just two IP addresses.

I'm sure you can see where this is going.

I haven't found a repository for a project like this. If it can be done either within browser or maybe using Python, that would be great.


  • You can use the Special:Contributions page to view contributions from a Wikipedia account, IP address or IP range. For example, lists the edits made from You may also view edits from an IP range, like

    If you wish to view contributions from Wikipedia accounts and individual IP addresses via Wikipedia's API, documentation and examples are available at