
WinInet not working in Windows 7 - Dev-C++

I'm new to C++ (not to programming) and I was looking for a simple way to upload and download files from my ftp server. I have been looking around the Internet for 3 hours at least and I couldn't find anything. I have tried to use libcurl but It's to confusing for me. Then, I have found something about some libraries with the header <afxinet.h> that may work, but it's not included in Dev-C++ and I didn't know where to download it. Finally I found the library wininet but if I try to include it on my project I get this error:

Click to see Image

And here is where the problem is supposed to be: Click to see Image

So, if anyone knows how to solve this problem, or know another easy way to upload files to FTP with C++, I'll be very grateful.

Some Info: OS: Windows 7 sp 3 Environment: Dev-C++ 5.11


  • Ok, I have found the solution: the problem was that the version of the Dev-C++ compiler was outdated, so I downloaded and installed CodeBlocks. When I ran the code again, I get the error Undefined reference to '__imp__InternetOpenA and I found the solution here: Flareonz44