
unserialize() Please specify classes allowed for unserialization in 2nd argument

In my Symfony application I have a User entity which is serialized. In the unserialize() method, I did this:

    public function unserialize($serialized)
        ] = unserialize($serialized);

But PhpStorm underlines in red unserialize($serialized) with the following message:

Please specify classes allowed for unserialization in 2nd argument.

I don't know what I'm supposed to use as a second argument. After some research, I saw that we could put this:

unserialize($serializeObj, ["allowed_classes" => true]);

But I also found this:

    ['allowed_classes' => ['Class1', 'Class2']]

I'm a little confused, I don't know what I should put in my case so that PhpStorm doesn't complain about this.


  • If you are actually serializing an array, and not a class instance, you just need to pass false as allowed classes.

     public function unserialize($serialized)
            ] = unserialize($serialized, ['allowed_classes' => false]);

    If you are serializing the whole entity, you need to pass the class you expect to be instantiated from the unserialization

    So let's assume the class is App\Entity\User,

    public function unserialize($serialized) {
        $new = unserialize($serialized, ['allowed_classes' => [ User::class ]]);
        $this->id       = $new->getId();
        $this->$email   = $new->getEmail();
        $this->password = $new->getPassword();
        $this->enabled  = $new->isEnabled();

    I'm assuming you have have getter methods in the entity for the sake of simplicity.