
Bitcoinj Is not syncing with Android

My Android app is not syncing to the blockchain, but when I used the bitcoinj libarary on my PC it worked fine. Note: Both programs start with walletAppKit.setBlockingStartup(false).startAsync().awaitRunning() when the kit is complete and the app calls this on the onCreate method and has sufficient permissions such as read/write and internet. The test device is also physical and not an emulator. I logged both programs using

" File Directory:${}\nTransactions:\n"
try {
for(x in walletAppKit.wallet().transactionsByTime){

    str+="Peer # and running:${walletAppKit.peerGroup().numConnectedPeers()} ${walletAppKit.peerGroup().isRunning}\n"
    str+="Chain Height: ${walletAppKit.chain().chainHead.height}\n"
    str+="Balance: ${walletAppKit.wallet().balance.toPlainString() } BTC Received: ${walletAppKit.wallet().totalReceived.toPlainString() } BTC Sent: ${walletAppKit.wallet().totalSent.toPlainString() } BTC\n"
    str+="Directory Status: ${} bytes\n Can Read File?:${} Can Write File?:${}"

Here is the logging output screenshots enter image description here enter image description here

You'll notice that the one with TX-IDS is running on my laptop and has a way bigger block amount than the one running on the phone, how can I get this synced up?


  • Use the kotlin bitcoin kit provided by horizontal systems on github. Use implementation 'com.github.horizontalsystems:bitcoin-kit-android:694d681f3e' in your gradle module and in your project module add mavenCentral()in the buildscript branch:

    buildscript {

    repositories {

    other stuff



    dependencies {



    Then in the allprojects brackets place maven { url '' } in the repositories brackets:



    *other stuff*

    maven { url '' }

