I want to select the "actual" xml node by attribute.
When I try to iterate trough the nodes, it only return the first one, but strangely, when I ask the last node, it will return it without any problem. Also, if I search it with name like "actualroot->first_node("roodnode1")" it will found it. edit: I checked it just in case and the "actualroot" have parent
Rapidxml version: 1.13 (I tried different version too(1.1), and it had the same result)
The saved xml:
<rootnode Game="gamename">
<rootnode0 table="a" cluster="b" item="c"/>
<rootnode1 table="atest" cluster="btest" item="ctest"/>
<rootnode2 table="1" cluster="2" item="3"/>
The simplified verion of the code I use:
#include "rapidxml.hpp"
#include "rapidxml_print.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace rapidxml;
bool listloaded;
bool actualcontainerloaded;
int rootcounter;
xml_document<> *actuallist;
xml_node<>* actualroot;
xml_node<>* actualcontainer;
std::unordered_map<std::string, xml_document<>*> xmllistmap;
listloaded = false;
actualcontainerloaded = false;
rootcounter = 0;
bool create(string name)
if (isalreadyexist(name)) return false;
//RPXdata oneRPX;
xml_document<> *newlist = new xml_document<>();
xml_node<>* root = newlist->allocate_node(node_element, newlist->allocate_string("rootnode"));
root->append_attribute(newlist->allocate_attribute("Game", newlist->allocate_string("gamename")));
xmllistmap[name] = newlist;
actuallist = newlist;
actualroot = newlist->first_node();
listloaded = true;
return true;
bool addcontainer(string table, string cluster, string item)
if (listloaded)
for (xml_node<> *child = actualroot->first_node(); child; child = actualroot->next_sibling())
if (child->first_attribute("table") == NULL) continue;
string tableattr = child->first_attribute("table")->value();
if (tableattr != table) continue;
if (child->first_attribute("cluster") == NULL) continue;
string clusterattr = child->first_attribute("cluster")->value();
if (clusterattr != cluster) continue;
if (child->first_attribute("item") == NULL) continue;
string itemattr = child->first_attribute("item")->value();
if (itemattr == item) continue;
return false;
string rootname = "rootnode"+functions.converttostring(rootcounter);
xml_node<>* root = actuallist->allocate_node(node_element, actuallist->allocate_string(rootname.c_str()));
root->append_attribute(actuallist->allocate_attribute("table", actuallist->allocate_string(table.c_str())));
root->append_attribute(actuallist->allocate_attribute("cluster", actuallist->allocate_string(cluster.c_str())));
root->append_attribute(actuallist->allocate_attribute("item", actuallist->allocate_string(item.c_str())));
functions.log("container added:" + table);
return false;
bool setactualcontainer(string table, string cluster, string item)
if (listloaded)
for (xml_node<> *child = actualroot->first_node(); child; child = actualroot->next_sibling())
xml_node<> *lastchild = actualroot->last_node();
string lcname = lastchild->name();
functions.log("last name: " + lcname);
string cname = child->name();
functions.log("cname: " + cname);
functions.log("for step called");
if (child->first_attribute("table") == NULL) continue;
string tableattr = child->first_attribute("table")->value();
string clusterattr = child->first_attribute("cluster")->value();
string itemattr = child->first_attribute("item")->value();
functions.log("actual tableattr:" + tableattr);
if (tableattr == table && clusterattr == cluster && itemattr == item)
functions.log("actual continer settd:"+ table);
actualcontainer = child;
actualcontainerloaded = true;
return true;
return false;
The result:
23:11:17: container added:a
23:11:17: container added:atest
23:11:17: container added:1
23:11:17: last name: rootnode2
23:11:17: cname: rootnode0
23:11:17: for step called
23:11:17: actual tableattr:a
Just a simple inattention: The for loop
for (xml_node<> *child = actualroot->first_node(); child; child = actualroot->next_sibling())
actually should looks like this:
for (xml_node<> *child = actualroot->first_node(); child; child = child->next_sibling())